Kevon Miller Law

This is why we do it!!
I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to make a difference, and I’ll continue to do my best to serve my clients with expertise and compassion. Here’s to more success, fulfillment, and the knowledge that we’re making a meaningful difference in the lives of those we help. #KevonMillerLaw #floridaattorney #Inspiration

Why go through this pain alone
Motor vehicle accidents, wrongful death, slip and falls and work place accidents are just some of the unfortunate every day traumas that affects our lives, but are you willing to bare all this pain alone. We at Miller Law will fight to get you that compensation that you deserve. We are standing by, and available for your call, reach out to us, let us talk about your case.

Am I Guilty?
Why worry about being guilty before you see a Judge or before a jury says you are. At Miller Law you are never guilty until a jury says you are. In the state of Florida everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. It is the states’ burden to prove your guilt. Let us hold the state to their burden, we at Miller law are ready to fight for you. Schedule a consultation today, talk to us before it is too late.
Do Not Be Afraid
Are you thinking about immigrating, adjusting your status or even naturalizing? If that is the case do not be afraid of the rigors and intimidation involved in this process. Just sit back and let our professionals at Miller Law handle this process for you. Schedule a consultation today. Miller Law ” We get things done.” We offer discounts.

A Call for Justice
The death of George Floyd has once again forced us to review the word “Justice.” The widely publicized video showing the ex-officer kneeling in the neck of George Floyd should never be overlooked, and the word “Justice” should prevail. However, we need to take timeout to look at the charges available to the Prosecutor, and why they went the way of third degree murder, as opposed to first or second degree. The issue is, we have to understand the facts as they are available and meeting the elements required to prove each charge. Yes many may have preferred to see first or second degree murder to include myself but are the facts and evidence available to sustain such a charge? Thats a question for the Prosecutor. The world of Criminal Law is based on evidence and elements. These are the two factors that matters in a real world, where “Justice” will prevail. Therefore, are we seeking or getting “Justice” through wide-scale looting and vandalism. Make no mistake, I am 100% for peaceful protest and for the voices of the affected and the oppressed to be heard without any apologies. For too long the shoes of “Justice” in this great land have been stuck on the foot of the privileged. Its time for a change but let us do it the right way. #Rest in Peace#victims of heartless oppressors#millerlaw#we care# Update So finally we have seen the wheels of “Justice” beginning to turn, as the charges for the ex-cop have been rightfully increased and the other ex-officers involved, have also finally charged. Let us continue to watch as the rest unfolds.
Live to be different
How dedicated are we to our clients? I will defend my clients with honesty, integrity and professionalism. I will be committed and serve with honor, similar to the dedication and honor with which I have served this country with for the past ten years. #criminal defense#DUI#PI#Immigration#go army#

Be Informed
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) what should I do? You may get a DUI for driving or being in actual physical control of a vehicle while “under the influence” or with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of. 08% or more. This means, if you are stopped by the police and you have a BAC of. 08% or greater, you may be charged for DUI. Do not enter a guilty or no contest plea to a DUI. If you do, this may have dire consequences for you. STOP!! Talk to us first, our experts will help you. #@Miller Law#we will fight for you.